Monday, November 1, 2010

1 month already!

Today, Jeffrey and I have been married for one whole month! Wow, time has flown by! As we are settling in to our new home and starting our new life together, we have started attending a wonderful, new church called Cross River. We now know what it really means to say, "we're home" when it comes to a church. In two weeks, we will be joining a new community group for married couples. I can't wait!

Tyler is having a blast in the "O2" kids community group and childrens church segment as well. He is changing everyday right before our eyes and becoming such a young man. It seems that others are noticing it as well, and are always complimenting us on his behavior. This weekend was filled with Halloween festivities, starting with the South Alabama Jaguars football game on Saturday. Tyler got to "trunk or treat" with all the Jags tailgaters and meet the players. After that, we watched them defeat Georgia State University 39-34! The Jags continue to be undefeated! Yesterday, after church, he went to the Fallapalooza with the O2 kids at Sunshine skating rink and skated his little heart out before we picked him up for another "trunk or treat" at our friends church. whew! Thank goodness Halloween is over!

Scary to say, but we are looking forward to putting up our first Christmas tree! lol, on that note, I will say goodnight. It is only November 1st, and I'm talking Christmas!!
