Thursday, January 29, 2009
First Weigh In!
5 pounds gone! Yay! It is a good solid start and I am proud of myself. I got the results from first round of bloodwork and i do not have any problems with my thyroid as Dr. Jardine may have thought. I did, however, find out that my liver enzymes were 6 times higher than normal. So, they took more blood this morning and are running more specific tests. I go back Tuesday for the results.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Day 7 and still trucking right along!
We decided to take a break today from exercising, and it feels good. I decided to buy two shirts for my trip to Disney World in a few weeks, and I bought them 2 sizes smaller with the hopes that they would fit in four weeks; well, when i got home I tried them on to see how far i had to go and they actually fit me! lol...Not tight either. They will fit better and look better in a couple of weeks, but I couldnt believe it. : ) Our first weigh in is tomorrow, and I am so excited. I already see so many changes in myself and my clothes. Another update after weigh in!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Day 4: right on schedule!
I decided to wait until after church today to test myself for ketosis, but my test came back positive! I am in ketosis, in a major way to. ha ha. I then went to the gym and worked out for two hours alone, jamming with my ipod strapped to my arm and not thinking about anything (except how much i was sweating). When i finally got on the treadmill, i walked for 15 minutes and then decided to jog, and then wound up in a run! I wound up running for 20 minutes at 4.5 mph and after the cool down, i had to leave! A hot shower was calling big girls name! lol.. Getting dressed afterwards, i decided to try on a shirt that was getting a little snug on me.....well it is loose on me now. I am definitely not to self conscious to wear it now. I am refusing to get on the scale until i get weighed in on Tuesday. Both momma and I noticed that our weights were several pounds lower at the dr.'s office than they are here. So for my own piece of mine, I will not be getting on that scale anymore! xoxo
Saturday, January 24, 2009
A new year means a new day at a time!
During my inital blood work up and consultation, Dr. Jardine noticed that I may or maynot have a slight problem with my thyroid. I will get the results at my one week check up on Jan. 29th. So as you can imagine, my blog is going to be mainly about my daily or weekly updates and challenges in losing this 100 pounds I have on me. I have met and talked to several women and men who have been on the program for 5 months now and have lost an extraordinary amount of weight, so I have the faith that I will be just as successfull. My word for the year is CONFIDENCE! I refuse to let anyone or anything stand in my way of getting what I want this year. : ) I am also tanning a few minutes a day, and actually have a little color now...go figure!
January 22, 2009: (Starting weight: 235 pounds) First day, after leaving the doctors office it was time to head to the gym. One of my other birthday presents was a year long membership to Planet Fitness. Momma and I have been at the gym 5 days a week for a minimum of an hour and a half, but at most, two hours. I honestly don't think that I have ever exercised so much, but I am finding a brand new passion for it. Before, i would find every excuse of why I couldn't go work out or at the very least take Tyler to the park and walk. That is not the case anymore! So the first week is strictly proteins only, and while it is a change, it isn't so terrible.
January 23, 2009: I have come to the conclusion that I am finally ready to make this change for myself. Just like with smoking, or anything else, you have to be ready to quit and make the changes for your health....that is where I am at. (I quit smoking May 31, 2007) I was told it takes 21 days for new habits to become second nature, and I am open to all the possibilities that await me on this adventure.
January 24, 2009: Now that we are back to present day, I can tell you that I received my first compliment today. Tyler and I attended the first Mardi Gras parade of the season on Dauphin Island today, and when we were leaving my grandmother told me that I am losing weight! I politely responded with a thank you and just wait until you see me at papa's birthday party in May!! She laughed and said ok. She has no clue that I am on this program! So that made my day. Generally, I always lose in my face first and then work my way down ( at a snails pace) the rest of my body. So maybe she noticed it in my face, who knows, I will take it any way I can get it! I am more determined than ever. : ) Tomorrow, I have to start checking my urine to make sure that I am entering ketosis. The process where your body starts to pull all of the stored fat and dissolves it, so that you can pee it out! Trust me, peeing is something that we are doing a lot of now! Sorry to be blunt...but hey, we are all adults here right. Until tomorrow....say a prayer and wish me luck.
Changes to the blog
I decided to recreate my blog, I think it needed an uplift! Occasionally I will post what Tyler and I have been up to; however, I am going through a new adventure that I am going to devote the blog to. I hope you will keep reading. : )
Saturday, January 17, 2009
16 Known facts about me.
1. I love to sing everything including commercials and jingles. I'm sure some people get annoyed, but I don't care. : )
2. I have an incredible little boy named Evan Tyler. I did not name him, my mom and Shana did. We call him Tyler, but in church, school and sports he wants to be known as Evan...E V A that! I guess you would have had to be there!
3. I look for love in all the wrong places, which is the major reason I am still single at 31 years of age.
4. I have the best friends a girl could ask for and don't know where I would be today without them. I am also the greatest friend you would want by your side at any given moment!
5. I love to laugh and make people laugh. Laugh so hard that you either start crying or pee in your pants. Yes, i tend to think I am that funny. Ask Hilliary, Ashley and Jessica L. They can tell you!
6. I have changed my major 3 times at school, i think the third time is the charm.
7. I am a peronal lover of change. I am always changing something about me, whether it is my hair color or style. I have never been accused of being "In style", due to the fact that I hate all these new I am perfectly fine being a step behind. Maybe one day I will catch up.
8. I am about to embark on a doctor assisted weightloss journey, so the next time you see me, I may just blow your mind! I will be looking for the looks of amazement come summer time! ha ha! Y'all wait and see now! : )
9. Sometimes I talk to myself. No I do not have a disorder. I like to think of it as thinking out loud, but I do not do it in public. Usually it is in my car, or my bedroom.
10. One of my biggest dreams is to move out of Alabama....or at least away from Mobile. I so desperately want to experience some place else. Although my son says NO!
11. My word for 2009 is CONFIDENCE. A whole new me is starting to emerge from her cocoon and take over. The old me will be a distant memory and the new me will be burned on your soul forever. This is my year!!
12. I hate to read, but I am trying to force myself to keep reading this book called Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. It actually is really good...just have to actually force myself away from the computer long enough to read it.
13. I am addicted to my laptop. At any given time, (outside of classes) you can find me simultaneously on Facebook, Myspace, Tagged, Yahoo Messenger and Myspace Messenger and my email. You dont have to say it, I already know this is pathetic and sad.
14. My family means the absolute world to me. I have a very large family, and i wish that I got to see everyone more often. Thankfully, through technology, I get to connect with a few of them on here and myspace and email.
15. Upon graduating from the University of South Alabama, I will be teaching Health Education to high schoolers. Lord, please have mercy on me! : )
16. Last but not least....nevermind...nothing else is coming to mind at the moment. : )
2. I have an incredible little boy named Evan Tyler. I did not name him, my mom and Shana did. We call him Tyler, but in church, school and sports he wants to be known as Evan...E V A that! I guess you would have had to be there!
3. I look for love in all the wrong places, which is the major reason I am still single at 31 years of age.
4. I have the best friends a girl could ask for and don't know where I would be today without them. I am also the greatest friend you would want by your side at any given moment!
5. I love to laugh and make people laugh. Laugh so hard that you either start crying or pee in your pants. Yes, i tend to think I am that funny. Ask Hilliary, Ashley and Jessica L. They can tell you!
6. I have changed my major 3 times at school, i think the third time is the charm.
7. I am a peronal lover of change. I am always changing something about me, whether it is my hair color or style. I have never been accused of being "In style", due to the fact that I hate all these new I am perfectly fine being a step behind. Maybe one day I will catch up.
8. I am about to embark on a doctor assisted weightloss journey, so the next time you see me, I may just blow your mind! I will be looking for the looks of amazement come summer time! ha ha! Y'all wait and see now! : )
9. Sometimes I talk to myself. No I do not have a disorder. I like to think of it as thinking out loud, but I do not do it in public. Usually it is in my car, or my bedroom.
10. One of my biggest dreams is to move out of Alabama....or at least away from Mobile. I so desperately want to experience some place else. Although my son says NO!
11. My word for 2009 is CONFIDENCE. A whole new me is starting to emerge from her cocoon and take over. The old me will be a distant memory and the new me will be burned on your soul forever. This is my year!!
12. I hate to read, but I am trying to force myself to keep reading this book called Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. It actually is really good...just have to actually force myself away from the computer long enough to read it.
13. I am addicted to my laptop. At any given time, (outside of classes) you can find me simultaneously on Facebook, Myspace, Tagged, Yahoo Messenger and Myspace Messenger and my email. You dont have to say it, I already know this is pathetic and sad.
14. My family means the absolute world to me. I have a very large family, and i wish that I got to see everyone more often. Thankfully, through technology, I get to connect with a few of them on here and myspace and email.
15. Upon graduating from the University of South Alabama, I will be teaching Health Education to high schoolers. Lord, please have mercy on me! : )
16. Last but not least....nevermind...nothing else is coming to mind at the moment. : )
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Happy Birthday Tyler
As you can see, Tyler received his first rifle ( this is a gift that can only be used with his pawpaw), and then an awesome Pirates of the Caribbean Lego set. We spent almost two hours putting that set together on Saturday while it poured down outside. It was awesome! Next up, today's party....
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