Thursday, August 21, 2008

Saying goodbye to Chloe...

Yesterday, my stepdad finally took Chloe to the SPCA. Tyler was originally upset, but he finally understood that we can not have a dog who "terrorizes" the neighborhood, although she may be gentle to us. They did tell him that no harm would come to her, and they would make a note that she needs a large, fenced in back yard to run in. I am going to wait until we have a house of our own, with a fenced in back yard before he gets another dog. He needs a puppy that can grow up with him...maybe a lab or something. We shall see. I hope all is well with everyone else!


Anonymous said...

oh so sad...little sweet, terrorizing, chloe. we will miss her.

Donna said...

Sorry about your dog- but she will do better where she can terrorize inside her own fenced yard! :) Love the new pic on the header- you look so pretty!