Thursday, November 6, 2008

Little changes lead to BIG things....

I have made the decision to change my major (one more time) to Health Education. This means that I will be teaching high school now instead of elementary school and I will graduate May 2010 instead of December 2010. yay!! Now I can go back to work full time during the day due to the classes being at night. Trust me, I really need to go back to work! Please pray that I find a job soon, I have been searching since September! I have also completed the Discovering Grace sessions at church and will be introduced as a new member of Grace Community on Sunday, Nov. 9th! Tyler and I are very excited about it : ) Hey, better late than never!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

"Trick or treat...smell my feet, give me something good to eat!" : ) Tyler laughed when i sang this last night, but thank goodness he never said to the nice people around us! lol.. We went to the annual Trunk or Treat at Christ United Methodist Church and everyone had the cutest cars decorated. I managed to get a few pictures before my batteries died. As we were pulling into the neighborhood, Tyler saw some of the boys from TaeKwonDo and went house to house in our large neighborhood with them. I slowly followed suit in my car. Tyler had fun and got to have a little sense of independence and he racked up big time! I hope you all had a great Halloween as well. Until next are the pix!

Piglet & Pooh

don't forget Eeyore! Check out this car!